速報APP / 遊戲 / DreamDate HD

DreamDate HD



檔案大小:104.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 5.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


DreamDate HD(圖1)-速報App

There’s a hot babe at the supermarket. She smiles politely as she passes you in the aisle. What do you do? Continue picking up your TV dinner? Or catch up with her, chat her up, get her number and a date?

If you’d rather the latter, DreamDate is for you. DreamDate is an iphone/ipad game that tests and sharpens your smooth talking skills.

Pick from a bevy of hotties. Blonde… Redhead… Sexy… Spunky… Funny... Funky… Your choice. That’s the easy part. Picking up a conversation with her though , isn’t.

DreamDate HD(圖2)-速報App

You’re going to have to charm, sweet talk, tickle, seduce, propose, proposition… work your verbal mojo…whatever it takes to and get her hooked and reel her in. Perhaps get her to like you on Facebook too. (Yes, for real!)

How the Game Works:

Get DreamDate on your phone

DreamDate HD(圖3)-速報App

Choose your dreamdate

Pick from one of 3 opening lines

Look out for her response

DreamDate HD(圖4)-速報App

Respond to that.

Flirt. Flirt. Flirt.

And then do it again.

DreamDate HD(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad